Friday, January 2, 2015

2014. Was it actually the worst year?

Lately on Facebook I have been seeing people share photos about how 2014 was by far the worst year, and I wonder why they think that?
I could be saying that too, considering my husband and I were homeless for 2 months last winter. 
Right around the time all my 'friends' got their thousands worth of taxes and not a single one of them helped or even offered. 
Made me feel sad and depressed, considering every chance we get we help as much as we can. 
Whether it be groceries, bills, gas, whatever, we are always there. 
At that time I did think 2014 was by far the worst year yet. And sometimes I just take a breath and thank God it's over. 
But then I make myself question why? Why do I think 2014 was so horrible?
Is it because while my husband and I were down and out I saw the true colors of those around me?
I found out who my friends were, and more importantly who my friends were not?
Is it because I made it through some horrible emotional issues and forgave those who have hurt me in the past?
Or maybe it's because I realized first and foremost what an amazing Family I have. 
Maybe it was such a horrible year because I got married to a man who loves me to death and would literally take a bullet for me?
But then I thought maybe it's because I learned how to set priorities and stick to them, which is return changed my life. 
Maybe it was so bad because we prayed and prayed for a good paying job for my husband and he found one. 
But it could be because we found a place to rent and have faithfully paid rent ever since? possible, huh?
This has crossed my mind too, that maybe it was the worst year ever because my life finally came together, and I felt whole and complete for once in my life. 
Or because mine and my dads relationship improved about 100%. 
But today I sit here and think, maybe it was the BEST year yet. 
I am only 21, but I am married. my life is somewhat stable, more so than it ever has been, 
and we have a home, food on the table and I know who my true friends are. 
I've learned that most of the friends I still keep in contact with are full of boloney, No matter how many times they claim to be real or want you to be honest with them, they just can't handle it. I am so thankful, so soo thankful I learned all these new things to me, I am so thankful to have a husband and be stable. 2014 was by far the BEST year yet. And I am so thankful for that. 

Don't look at the bad side of things, no matter any one of us have been through, we all came out stronger, more healthy and more wise.

 In my eyes, What could be better?

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