Friday, January 23, 2015

Welcome to my mind

Please be advised, nothing is disguised..
This is me, this is my mind,
this is me trying to withstand time.
It may look sorta' cluttered, it may look kinda' messy, ...
It's kinda' like a nightmare, but filled with confetti!
Be careful if you enter, for then you may see,
I am fragile like a feather, yet strong like a tree.
You are invited inside, I'd like you to visit,
but don't run away when you find me elicit.
To me art is everything, and everything is art,
It never starts with a product, it starts with a heart.
If you make it though the dark side, promise me this;
you will say you saw nothing but dysfunctional bliss.
The flowers were brighter although they were square,
My thoughts were beautiful although they were bare.
My innocence had never left, even though it was cleft.
The skies were clear & the sun was shining,
tell them we took our trip on a silver lining.
Tell them you saw love and peace, and the whole time nothing ceased.
Tell them you saw loyalty, tell them you saw trust,
tell them you saw me, trying to adjust.
Don't tell them what was there, Don't tell them what was seen,
That was just a glimpse of my normal routine.
Nothing special and nothing new,
nothing I haven't already been through!
Come with me, your visit is over,
see what I did there? You were my shoulder.
There when I needed you and we both survived,
We made it out fine, now more than ever, both very much alive.
You knew this would happen, but I've changed my mind,
I need you to come back & be a part of my rhyme <3

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